Effective date: February 2022
Thank you for working with Janet Redford LLC. The Agreements on this page are in addition to the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policies. You are only agreeing to the Agreement that is relevant to the class or course which you have purchased.
Please read your applicable Agreement carefully. Your use of this website or purchase of any webinars, videos, or material from this site indicates your understanding of and agreement to this Agreement. If you do not agree with this Agreement, DO NOT continue browsing or purchasing from this site. This Agreement is subject to change by Janet Redford LLC at any time without prior written notice, in its sole discretion.
What Coaching Is and Isn’t
Coaching is a relationship between the coach and the client. You are the expert in your own life. Coaching helps you connect to your strengths and wisdom and assists you in taking intentional action to create the life and career you really want. Coaching is NOT advice, counseling, or therapy.
Janet Redford LLC shall not be liable to you, your clients, or your owners for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of the Site, watching of videos, or reliance on any information provided via online coaching. Your use of any information provided is solely at your own risk.
Commitment to completing the work and engaging with the material is entirely your responsibility. Completing the work may not guarantee results, as each business and situation is entirely different and personal.
All programs offered by Janet Redford LLC are offered “as is” with no warranty of any kind, including any warranties of merchantability, fitness for particular purpose. Or any warranties of results in profit created or received, or improvement in performance or success.
You understand that neither Janet Redford LLC nor any of its speakers, employees, owners, or principles are accountants, financial professionals, CPAs, attorneys, therapists, or psychotherapists. You understand that Janet Redford LLC is not qualified to provide legal, tax accounting, or financial advice. Janet Redford LLC highly recommends your retention of qualified professionals for the implementation of goals in these programs and coaching.
Program Expectations and Price
The inclusions for each program are as stated in the program description which you put in your cart. Unless otherwise stated, you have eight weeks from purchase to sign up for personalized coaching under that agreement. You will have access to the program for one (1) year after purchase. Refunds are not permitted.
You agree that by purchasing access to your course, the course is being granted to you for your personal use only. You agree not to share this with other individuals, groups, or members of your business. You agree not to publish, copy, or otherwise disclose or distribute any of the information that is by purchase only, for any reason.
Intellectual Property
All logos, images, blogs, videos, and other information on this Site are the registered and unregistered copyrights, trademarks, service marks, and proprietary information of Janet Redford LLC or contracted third parties. The copying or using of any content on this site other than for the use and enjoyment of the site is an infringement of Janet Redford LLC’s, and possibly others’, intellectual property and a breach of these Terms. If you would like to use any of the content or photos on this site, please use the Contact Me page to acquire permission. You otherwise agree to keep all intellectual property and other information which you acquire during this course completely confidential.
If you believe any portion of my Site violates your intellectual property rights, please use the Contact Me page with the subject “Take Down”. We will remove the subject within forty-eight hours of receipt of your e-mail for further investigation. If our investigation indicates that the use of the item in question does not violate your intellectual property rights, we may return the portion of the site after our investigation.
Dispute Resolution/Governing Law
The Site, its store, products, contact, and all services provided by Janet Redford LLC are governed by the laws of the state of Colorado. If a dispute arises as a result of your use of this site, your ordering of our products, or your making an appointment with us, you agree to resolve all such disputes in binding arbitration with the Judicial Arbiter Group in Denver, Colorado.
What Coaching Is and Isn’t
Coaching is a relationship between the coach and the client. You are the expert in your own life. Coaching helps you connect to your strengths and wisdom and assists you in taking intentional action to create the life and career you really want. Coaching is NOT advice, counseling, or therapy.
Janet Redford LLC shall not be liable to you, your clients, or your owners for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of the Site, watching of videos, or reliance on any information provided via online coaching. Your use of any information provided is solely at your own risk.
Commitment to completing the work and engaging with the material is entirely your responsibility. Completing the work may not guarantee results, as each business and situation is entirely different and personal.
All programs offered by Janet Redford LLC are offered “as is” with no warranty of any kind, including any warranties of merchantability, fitness for particular purpose. Or any warranties of results in profit created or received, or improvement in performance or success.
You understand that neither Janet Redford LLC nor any of its speakers, employees, owners, or principles are accountants, financial professionals, CPAs, attorneys, therapists, or psychotherapists. You understand that Janet Redford LLC is not qualified to provide legal, tax accounting, or financial advice. Janet Redford LLC highly recommends your retention of qualified professionals for the implementation of goals in these programs and coaching.
Program Expectations and Price
The inclusions for each program are as stated in the program description which you put in your cart. You will have access to the program for one (1) year after purchase. Refunds are not permitted.
Your program includes a weekly group call with other attendees of the program. If you do not attend the call, you will not receive a make-up opportunity for that call.
Group Sessions
Weekly group sessions are a key piece of the program you have purchased. You agree that everything said in a group session is confidential, regardless of who says it. You understand that, if you share confidential information by another group member, you will be held personally liable for breach of this agreement and any harm you have caused that individual. You understand and agree that neither Janet Redford LLC nor its owners, principles, employees, or moderators will be held responsible by you for any breach of confidentiality by another member of the group.
You agree to be respectful during group sessions and to share financial information at your own risk. You understand that, fi you are not being respectful towards other participants during group sessions, you will be barred from attending group sessions and will not be granted a refund.
You agree not to market your business or products or otherwise solicit during group sessions.
Intellectual Property
All logos, images, blogs, videos, and other information on this Site are the registered and unregistered copyrights, trademarks, service marks, and proprietary information of Janet Redford LLC or contracted third parties. The copying or using of any content on this site other than for the use and enjoyment of the site is an infringement of Janet Redford LLC’s, and possibly others’, intellectual property and a breach of these Terms. If you would like to use any of the content or photos on this site, please use the Contact Me page to acquire permission. You otherwise agree to keep all intellectual property and other information which you acquire during this course completely confidential.
If you believe any portion of my Site violates your intellectual property rights, please use the Contact Me page with the subject “Take Down”. We will remove the subject within forty-eight hours of receipt of your e-mail for further investigation. If our investigation indicates that the use of the item in question does not violate your intellectual property rights, we may return the portion of the site after our investigation.
Dispute Resolution/Governing Law
The Site, its store, products, contact, and all services provided by Janet Redford LLC are governed by the laws of the state of Colorado. If a dispute arises as a result of your use of this site, your ordering of our products, or your making an appointment with us, you agree to resolve all such disputes in binding arbitration with the Judicial Arbiter Group in Denver, Colorado.
Profit First and its materials are the intellectual property of Mike Michalowicz and Profit First Professionals. Janet Redford LLC refers to these materials, uses the phrase “Profit First”, and uses the methodology of profit first with the explicit permission of Mike Michalowicz as an active and in good standing certified member. You agree that the copying or using of the Profit First content other than for the use and enjoyment of the site or the specific program which you have purchased is an infringement of Janet Redford LLC’s and Mike Michalowicz’s intellectual property as well as a breach of these Terms. If you would like to use any of the content or photos on this site, please use the Contact Me page to acquire permission.
Last Updated February 2022